Emily writes: : Computer, possibly 2 if assistant is regular worker, $2000 (incl : monitor, keyboard etc) add $1000 on top of that for a good video card (!) : External drives for computer $200/500Gig, maybe one per computer ..per 6 months(!). Bare drives of course so they can be shuttled in and out of a removable case for storage/ retrieval : misc computer stuff - $300 for tablet, DVDS, cheap printer - each computer : Computer application license - Photoshop costs $675, need Office and : Quickbooks too : Total: around $8000 for two computers Then add the file server where the easily accessed copies are stored, add $4000. And a print server, add another $500 for a bare basic one or if you want a good RIP, add another $5000 or more. it's a great cost being a photographer these days :/ k