Re: release forms and sports

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a hornet's nest of rights fights, is what you'll get in to. Not to mention that you won't be able to get access.

You might be able to pull it off at the HS level until you get to the regional playoffs and then you'l find some serious problems with either the region's hired photographer, or a contract between the region and the schools to hire only one photographer.

Just recently a local newspaper was denied access to a district game to shoot because the regional organization wanted exclusive rights to all the images and all the proceeds from selling them. They're in court now.

It will be a good day for the news industry when it abandons covering sports and reconizes that sports is not news, it's entertainment. Think of all the important news the paper could cover with that section, if they stopped thinking of sports as news. They might actually be able to do some investigative reporting. Wouldn't that be amazing?

In my not very humble opinion.

Very few sports have not yet been invaded by the profit motive. Getty and Corbis are breathing down everyones' necks, just watch the Olympics next year.
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races

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