Kostas writes : Let me start with saying that I have followed the advice to try converting to LAB color first, then saving in sRGB. Same thing I get a noticeable color shift : Now things have proven worse…Some days ago I noticed a change in color towards less red when the pics were viewed in the browser in comparison to the PS main screen. this is because profiling is turned on in Photoshop. it is applying a profile to the way the colours are displayed - this can be turned off. The browsers, all but Apples new one ignore embedded profiles and display the basic RGB images as it is : Today that I used the "save for web: feature that shift is there too, in the "original" window too. In effect the PS main working window is off, : : That is perplexing! profiles, and whether or not Adobe loads or fails to load it are one major source of irritation and confusion to people. go through the settings and turn off all the profiles and see how you get on with that, then reapply the profile if you need it. remember when (if?) you worked with C41 and RA4 printing as a photographer you tried to make everything in the process as consistent as possible - from selecting film from a batch to maintaining the chemistry to stabilizing the voltage of the enlarger - THEN the only thing you needed to change (profile) was the final print stage - that is the print filtration (magenta, yellow, time) we didn't try to manage colour at the film deverloping stage, nor at the RA4 stage (!) Really, colour management for graphic designers starts at the monitor (profiled to a specific printer) and the input stage (select Pantone swatch, punch in colour values etc) we need as photographers to think more of profiling back from the output device. karl