PF exhibit on 13 OCT 07

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Here are my comments/opinions for the weeks’ forum submissions.



Roy Miller - Doc Watson

            I like the subject but there are two things that bother me in this image. One being that Doc is out of focus and secondly I would have preferred a narrower depth of field to separate him from the background, which I find a tad distracting. I think it would have been a good shot otherwise.


Rene M Hales - Horse Dreaming

            I love it…great subject and nicely done! - The soft background, the composition, the horse’s _expression_, and the hard fence line along the base. Really nice job!


D.L. Shipman - Looking out my back door

            I like the composition but it bothers me a little that the lights in the foliage and sky are so bright…I feel like some of the detail is being lost. Too bad I can’t view this as a full size print as it’s possible that my monitor, and that the image is small, is not helping.


Robert Read –

            Robert, you did a good job on this shot, even with the figure in the foreground. Frankly, I think you’re quite brave taking photos in a room full of bubbles. I usually run and cover my lens - popped bubble residue is a bugger to clean off.


Christopher Stevens - Blue Ball

            I’m impressed Chris. I was beginning to wonder from your previous photo and your past postings, but this shot is good. I think the subject is interesting and the composition is well thought out…very creative. The light (bounce from your flash?) encircling the bowl and the off-kilter metallic sides (a silver tray?) really add to it. Makes me think of something Elliott Erwitt said: “To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place...I’ve found it has little to do with things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”


Linda Buttstead - Braidentown Train Depot

            I think this is a difficult photo to take and make interesting. I’m sorry Linda but it does little for me. The hedge in front bothers me a bit; and like you, I would have liked to capture the image before the remodel. It is a curious thing about the name change, however.


Marilyn Dalrymple –

I like this shot in that it looks spooky without even reading the description. The message really comes across…in fact, I agree, it does look like the back of a (petrified) torso. Marilyn, I think you did well to find this shot in that your original intent to photograph the asylum didn’t work out.  If it were me I probably would have just left without noticing it.  


Emily L. Ferguson - Guardian Fence

            Cleaver idea, Emily - it does look like the pumpkins are being held captive. I think if it were my image though I’d want to crop out some of the bottom.



Cheers, Paul


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