" american photographers always meter the light before taking a picture, french photographers afterwards"
This implied that they could loose some photos if they were unsure about the exposure, so that could get in the way :)
On 19/07/07, Herschel Mair <herschelmair@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
So Mario,Are you saying that if I let them get in the way, they will? So It takes a concious effort on MY part to keep them out of the way?Must I think about doing this when shooting?herschelOnly if YOU let them get in the way!
On 19/07/07, Herschel Mair <herschelmair@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The topic was whether rules, formulae, statistics and technical knowledge of all things photographic could ever, conceivably, get in the way of taking a great photograph.
Mário Pires
http://esteticafotografica.netHerschel Mair
Head of the Department of Photography,Higher College of Technology
Sultanate of OmanAdobe Certified instructor+ (986) 99899 673
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Mário Pires