Hi Marilyn,
I was essentially forced to do it because I had a short lens and an 800 mm in my
car when I drove past that scene. With the short lens the tree was too small and
with the 800 the tree did not fit in the frame. I remembered some discussion
there was on the list about stitching and this got me thinking.
I was maybe 1/2 - 3/4 mile from the tree and as I "panned" the tree there did
not seem to be much of a change in the features of the tree so I thought it
would be interesting to see how the process of piecemeal capture and later
assembly would work. I found I had to "pan" over three columns and five rows to
cover the scene with the 800 mm lens.
I did all exposures from a tripod and at the same aperture and shutter speed ...
once I realized that autoexposure would not work!
Then there were a couple of slivers missing as you can see. I thought they
actually worked to confirm the process so was not too bothered by them. I do
have a second sequence where there are no gaps but I worked with this one first.
Doing the second set did not appeal to me!
When I mentioned that I had trouble with matching the sky tones someone
mentioned a function in PS that corrects for this but am not sure it would have
worked here. I am a novice with PS so did all the corrections "by hand".
I think that one reason the fragments did not match exactly is that the
in-camera software did not treat all the images the same as it compressed from
RAW to high quality jpeg. But I don't know about this.
Marilyn Dalrymple wrote:
Hi Andy, Can you tell us, please, about the why and how you compiled 15
exposures? Marilyn