rush rouge asks : hello guys... : : I remember reading on the LIST a few months back a command line based : algorithm, which can mearge a scene shot at different times. : An example given at its website had a shot of a bridge & cityscape taken at : different times around sunset to complete darkness. : After searching the list messages & googling i am not able to locate it. : Can anyone please point to it ? : : Thanking in advance. EasyHDR was one I suggested some time back - and freeware "blend a sequence of photos taken at different exposure values into a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image" I generally suggest WinDoze software (though not Vista® .. not much freeware works with that vile OS) so sorry to linux/beos/warp/mac/EROSos/etc users.. a general search for HDR if this is not the one you're after should get you somewhere regards karl