Great move Rene!
I looked at your web site: waooo! Very nice pictures. I
love the polaroid transfers, the family pictures, the birthday pic.
You have great talent.
As my share for encouraging those out there still lurking, I put
forward the promise to review (constructively) the gallery during the week
and to post a picture of significance (from my perspective) each and every week
till mid-June when I have to travel (OK, I know it's not a major commitment, but
it's a step in the right directions).
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 11:04 AM
Subject: RE: PF main exhibit on
All, I have been a lurker. I did do the postcard exchange. NOW, I feel ready
for the challenge of the exhibit. I will also add gallery comments. There will
be times when travel and work will keep me less involved.
thanks for the prodding. I do like this list and faithfully read all of your
posts. I think I have just had to work my way in slowly. I do want the list to
I personally have tried to be more active with respect to the
gallery since early this year. But we need more activity on that
front. So please, all you lurkers out there, don't be shy. Come
and post your work, so that we can get a better sense of what
you are involved in your photographic work and discuss issues encountered
when producing this work for clients.
Best regards,