I'm looking at this shot on a calibrated monitor, and I see some blocked-up shadows- particularly on the fence to the left. You might want to play with your RAW settings if you shot this in RAW, otherwise maybe the shadow/highlight tool in Photoshop to bring it out a bit. The saturation seems just a touch high as well, although I really like the color. The tree merging with the fence also bothers me a bit, and I think that Emily suggested that you get a lower position. I agree and think that this would improve the separation between the tree and the fence. There's a lot to like in the scene though- I really like the mountains off in the distance and the solitude that the photo implies. I also like the color on the fence on the left side and personally, think that it should be played up more in the image if possible. Overall, a great effort and thanks for sharing this image with us!