Dear forum members who teach photography,
Allow me to introduce myself. I am a professional photographer who felt that there was a need to create a new magazine dedicated to medium and large format photography. The name of the magazine is MAGNAchrom and is entirely advertising-supported. As such, it is free to registered users. We launched MAGNAchrom in October 2006 and just "shipped" the 2nd issue a few weeks ago. The interest in the magazine has been overwhelming with a large number of people from around the world waiting to contribute articles and portfolios.
You can evaluate the magazine for yourself here: (it is completely free to download, but you do need to register)
Our job #1 is educating people around the world about what others are doing with medium and large format equipment and processes. It occurred to me that we could feature the work of your students in a permanent section within the magazine, perhaps simply entitled "STUDENT WORK". There are two ways we could accomodate this: feature the work of one student (which would unfortunately mean that only 6 students per year would get an opportunity to showcase their work) or we could feature the work from one school at a time. (i.e. feature several students and their professor). Needless to say, some words about the work and the school would be appropriate as well.
The key thing being that all submitted work must be photographed using either medium or large format equipment (analog or digital, doesn't matter to us, but no "small" 35mm or smaller cameras)
Thoughts? I would like to tailor this feature to your needs. I look forward to your feedback.
J Michael Sullivan
Editor/Publisher, MAGNAchrom
MAGNAchrom -- The Alternative Journal of Medium and Large Format Photography