Zoom, wide angle and all the conveniences of knowledgeable camera use . . .
Blah! I find I use my Rolli 35S with the greatest lens, a 40mm Sonnar.
With open aperature at 4.2 and stopps down to 22 it's a great camera.
Cropping, due to the clarity of this lens is just like having all the zooms
and variables.
It was not my intention to have this as my standard, general use camera; but
it's the best camera I ever had for quick and easy, immediate use. It's no
bigger than a pack of cigarettes and has significent weight not to get lost
in your clothes.
While running a gallery in Carmel, I had a chance to meet so many great
photographers. One, Wendy Went the fashion photographer had a point and
shoot with him. When I asked him what it was, he said he'd had it for
years; and he had to look at it to tell me what kind it was. We laughed.
After all those years of camera branding and use for gadgets, it comes down
to this point and shoot, we agreed.
For me, it's the Rolli 35 S.
Steve Shapiro
----- Original Message -----
From: "William Ellis" <wb9cac@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students"
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2006 9:43 AM
Subject: Good camera for non- pro uses
Hi all,
I guess I'm getting to the point of needing a camera for general
use(vacations, family gatherings, etc.) so I don't have to take the
equipment I use for pro use. I'm looking for a small to medium size unit
with zoom, optical and digital focusing, and enough megapixels to render
decent prints should I want to do something with the occasional good image
I might shoot. I would like the ability to at least get a good 8x10 print,
if needed. There are a multitude of choices out there and the more I look,
the more confusing it gets. What are some of you using for casual
Bill Ellis