RE: Winds of change (was Posting)

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I think we can agree that skill and practice in the art of straight photography must provide better images for post processing.  I know very good photographers who have made PS their main medium and make photographs specifically for that. This requires a keen eye for pre-visualizing and optimal recording.  I think PS is a mature medium that skillfully used is equal to traditional painting, drawing, or printmaking. That is to say, in the right hand a daub of paint on a canvas is much more than a daub of paint.  Alas, like traditional media, PS renderings also more often than not results in uninteresting pictures. 
BTW is there a paint-by-numbers PS plug-in? 
120/35mm Lookaround!
The Lookaround Book.
Now an E-book.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Winds of change (was Posting)
From: Darin Heinz <spacecoastphoto@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, November 17, 2006 3:08 am
To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students


But I digress. My intent was to suggest that the proliferation of the
hundreds of filters and plug-ins, designed to streamline the editing
process, has actually worked to discourage the photographer from shooting.

Darin Heinz
Melbourne, Florida USA

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