Bob <w8imo@xxxxxxxx> έγραψε:
all can post but I wonder if the prep time is worth the effort when my
reason for posting, constructive criticism so that I can improve my
photography, doesn't happen when I see what appear to be pros getting
the comments........
well I am as guilty as else of not commneting, es[peially on full. I promise to do that in your next gallery submission...
But you got to understand that the gallery is not at its best...few yeras ago there were more than 12 photos and both in digital, color film, and B&W form.
After the great digital scoop of sports, flowers and birds, things have now blown away. He had a lot more controversial photos
to sparkle our curiosity and commnets. The last of the old bread are trevor cunnigham i think....
You must have missed the photos of the forum minister (really there was one on board)
Anyway...there is one more reason to contect you. friday the 245th i am taking my U/VHF lisence exam. And 90% i will be passing it with flying colors. Bad thing is that i had absolutely NO time to study the mors code...
So what about if you become my first contect thorough echolink? (when i get my own radio or at our next club field day? what is your call sign and echolink country/area codes?
enjoy, kostas
No matter what, CHEER UP MY FRIENDS! Life is too precious to jump the other side of the fence...
kostas papakotas / clenched teeth photography
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