Kostas Papakotas wrote:
Herschel Mair <herschelmair@xxxxxxxxx> έγραψε:
Copy the B&W image (Ctrl C)
Make an adjustment layer
Alt-click in the mask section of this layer in the laers palette This will bring up the mask in the picture window)
Paste the image from the clipboard into the mask.(Ctrl V)
That simple? So simple I SHOULD have though it myself....Have not tried it though...YET. Have to find the time for your suggestion and per's too befor ethe next B&W session (saturday)
Thanks alot guys, kostas
No matter what, CHEER UP MY FRIENDS! Life is too precious to jump the other side of the fence...
kostas papakotas / clenched teeth photography http://groups.msn.com/clenchedteethphotography http://groups.msn.com/clenchedteetharticles
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I experimented by selecting a channel and copying it into the layer mask
- worked very well.
I then put that channel into a new document and tweaked the contrast to
give a virtually pure black and white image, then copied that into the mask.
Third was to invert the high contrast image and use that as a mask.
But didn't have any more time to play.