The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated SEP 30 2006. Authors
with work now on display at: include:
Guy Glorieux - 2006_09_27
Hmm. Well it was a good idea to panoramize it, otherwise there would
have been way too much water in the foreground, I suspect. But I
really long for something other than yellow and green here -
preferably something orange and much stronger blue.
Tim Mulholland - Hanging Lake
This seems just too narrow, squashed, to me. I want light in there
where the water's falling, and the roots, and blue, blue water in the
pond/lake. I think having the back wall do dark really makes it hard
to see what exactly is "hanging" for me.
Jeff Spirer - An Attachment
I just wonder- what do they do when they have to go visit their parents?
Marilyn Dalrymple -
You mention green, but I'm missing some. This business of balancing
sky and big foreground that's dark is really hard. Basically I've
concluded that I've got to have the sun behind me to make the sky as
blue as possible, or use a grad. But I'm overwhelmed by all the
brown here. The dried out flowers, and sere hills. Just two colors
in the palette. Wish there were more.
D.L. Shipman - Englewood beach spring evening 2006
Ah, mid-coast. So placid and benign when it chooses. I'm feeling
flat here, want something punching up the contrast or something.
Dan Mitchell - Remains of the day
And I spend all those hours trying to get near a great blue heron!
Oh dear. I know they're prey to some with intentions other than
photographic, but I hate to see the remains of such a stately
creature this way! And, yes, I think I agree, I would have cropped
out quite a lot. I went back and processed the image right now -
cropped out about a third on each side and a quarter top and bottom
and adjusted the curve so the hawk jumped out of the background and
burned the hawk and heron debris, especially the hawk eye. Better to
my eye. Tastes vary. Who knows.
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races