----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 1:37
Subject: RE: Gallery
Would love to see the Morris Wright book. I recently had the
opportunity to photograph in a house that had been vacant for 3 years. I
called the gallery Memories &
Artifacts: a family's relics
I have since gone back for
more outside images. I will posting those soon.
Trevor Cunningham: Glow
The work you have shown in the gallery for the
last two weeks is reminiscent of work that was in a book I used to
have. I believe the photographer was Morris Wright (I may be
mistaken). The series in the book was of scenes and objects found in
an old home - a set of silverware spread out on a page of newspaper, a
door handle, textures of paint on wood, things like that.
I really enjoyed the book and always
thought the subject matter would be a good assignment for students
by having them photograph a series of work without them leaving their