On 8/13/06, dave6134@xxxxxxxxxxx <dave6134@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
At 10:16 AM 8/12/2006, you wrote:
>Hello Dave,
>Will you please tell us something about your photograph?
It is a digital file from an EOS 20D. The lens used was 75-300 IS at
300mm and image exposed for 1/50th second at f5.6 with ISO equivalent 800.
>How did you achieve the effect? Is it film or digital?
The effect seems a little convoluted but I can do it faster than I
can describe it. The image was one of several taken to illustrate 20D
camera performance at high ISO equivalent settings.
In PictureWindow Pro, I applied a #70 (almost black) red filter to
the file, adjusted "exposure"and extracted the red channel. Then
reversed to negative and adjusted level, curves, Gaussian blur and a
little Roberts edge enhancement as needed, I wanted more of an IR
look but ...
There is a larger file
at: which was a
little warped for a different composition look. If your connection
thru put is over 100KBs, scroll to bottom and select the "original"
size to view the actual pixels.
East Englewood
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