Laurenz Bobke- Acros Fukuoka
What an interesting space – very abstract… yes, I think the stars are a nice addition. I would have preferred a less symetrical compositon, but that's just my humble opinion.
All in all, an interesting photo of a great architectural space.
Emily L. Ferguson
Interesting minimal composition, which made me look closely at the sails noticing the "strange" arrangement of the sails… ah they are a turning point thingy (I'm not at all a sailor). Sepia is great – you have taken an always-beautiful subject (sea, sky and pristine sails) out of the ordinary and made it a work of art.
Guy Glorieux -Framed
Your Framed is well framed with a fun focal point – don't you wish they were kissing? J
Very interesting composition. Ideally, I'd like a little bit more detail in the sky and water.
Nice image, which really caught my eye with all its details.
Howard Leigh – Oooerrr
Cute little fellow, good detail - maybe a little more blurring of the background ?
D. L. Shipman
Well composed inversion… love the lacy, dreamy feel of this photograph and the black and while. Great abstract.
Pini Vollach
Such cool reflections… very much making my eyes dance around the shot. Nice the way the sculpture seems to look down at the reflected scene. Caught myself looking for the photographer somewhere in the reflection. Neat shot.!
Well, that's it – thanks all for sharing with us and to the staff of RIT.
The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated AUG 12 2006. Authors
with work now on display at: include:
Laurenz Bobke - ACROS Fukuoka
Emily L. Ferguson -
Guy Glorieux - Framed!
Howard Leigh - OOOerrr!
D.L. Shipman -
Pini Vollach - Alfa
There are currently 0 images awaiting future installation. Send your
contributions early and anything you can do to prepare the photographs so they
do not require additional adjustment would be much appreciated. Guidelines for
participating in the weekly or the series exhibits are available by following
the link provided on main gallery page given above.
UPDATE on the book project: As of today 202 copies were requested. 2 last week.
From: Stephanie and the PF Exhibits staff
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