: In a word: "YES" : : CS2 is made for digital photographers. It is quite different form 6 in some important ways : : 6 has no way to process RAW images, it is made primarily for designers and graphic artists to work with photographs. : : CS_2 is a lot easier to use than 6 if you're starting from scratch; with fantastic file browsing and bulk processing facilities and of course it has a great RAW file interface . Not to mention great tools for easy retouching! : : It seems a waste to spend time learning 6 and then having to start all over again learning CS_2 I have to concur. If you're starting now, definately grab CS2 *AND* lightroom Beta available free here: http://www.adobe.com/digitalimag/ Lightroom is one seriously powerful tool XP or OSX only though so OS upgrades are a prerequisite k