The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated MAY 20, 2006. Authors with work now on display at: include: Karen Habbestad - Sunset [Chris] Yes it is rather nice, try it in blue! David Dyer-Bennet - [Chris] I think it's great especially with the little digi-cam showing a jelly, I give that one 10/10 and I'd put on my wall. Roger Eichhorn - [Chris] Well its not the way to fairy land, I can see desert outside, I'd really like to stay behind the green door. Renate Volz - A Smile from Popeye [Chris] Another carboniferous fly came creeping in, we'll be back! Jim Snarski - Painted Lady [Chris] A Painted lady on the Emerald Isle, Yes I like it. They usually fly away. Lea Murphy - Lauren's graduation portrait [Chris] Yes the graduates spend a day in paradise then bang! They hit reality, where do I get that dream job that my laureate should give me? Did you know that Nobel laureates may wear a head dress of gold laurel leaves? The notable in ancient Greece wore them and it where the tradition originated and that were worn by Roman Emperors and the Roman Governors of Britain, look at Vespasian's statue in the senate of Rome. Mine are a bit faded now. Many of my fellow graduates, like myself, spent most of their lives behind the kitchen sink, I did do other things, and probably this lovely lady will go the same way. Send her a pair of rubber gloves and an plastic apron with the inscription "Did I spend 5 years at college and industrial training to do this?" Several of my friends wear them. Elson T. Elizaga - Siblings [Chris] I always thought a pony and a canoe were the way to get around. Allan Rosen-Ducat - Clouds [Chris] It looks like a watercolour painting, you just need an old castle. Marilyn Dalrymple - Which Came First? [Chris] Might do well in an art gallery Christopher Strevens - I'm happy with life [Chris] She works in the tea shop with Annie. Not always happy. [Chris] Chris.