Karen Habbestad <javascript:{}>
Wonderful ! Good division of the frame, excelent fire colors Very good
David Dyer-Bennet <javascript:{}>
Good square format, Good distribution of figures around the frame (
People & Jelly fishes )
The guy with the D camera give life to the scene. I like it !
Roger Eichhorn <javascript:{}>
As was said, the inner part is more interesting than the out.
I would concentrate on on side of the door and put the door off center.
Renate Volz <javascript:{}>
Fantastic !
If background of wings was more illuminated it could be better but of
course you couldn't choose it.
Jim Snarski <javascript:{}>
I like the background more than the subject.
The butterfly should be more sharp. ( as in Renate's pic )
Lea Murphy <javascript:{}>
Very nice portrait.
Excelent use of fill in flash ( the face don't have too much bright areas )
I would crop the bright area at the top and maybe some of the bottom too.
Elson T. Elizaga <javascript:{}>
Great ! I like the kids expressions !
Thechnically underexposed by 1/3 stop.
Allan Rosen-Ducat <javascript:{}>
Interesting combination of the clouds but not more. Very good exposure
and nice tones.
Marilyn Dalrymple <javascript:{}>
I liked more the apple or pear from last week.
Composition is good, I am not fond of those PS filters.
Christopher Strevens <javascript:{}>
Again, This lady could be seen better without those PS filters.
She has a great smile - good portrait !
Thanks to all contributors,
Pini Vollach