Re: *really* high speed photography question

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I believe (not positive) that this camera used a Pockels Cell (solid Kerr cell) shuttering mechanism. All electromagnetic. Angle of polarization of light passing through a "glass" block was briefly rotated by an electromagnet so that it would match that of a second polarizer which was oriented so its plane of polarization was crossed to that of the first or front polarizer. So, under normal conditions transmission of the system as very low. When angles were aligned transmission was better ... but still pretty low! But when you have a lot of light to start with (nuclear blast) low transmission of an optical system is generally not a problem.

Now, note that this is off the top of my head and there seems to be less and less "stuff" there.


Oh ... operator could be a rapper, sure.

How does a Rapatronic camera achieve such short exposures?

And is the operator a Rapper?


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