>>>Who are these clients?
Let's see...FMC Corporation, the 3M Company, a large producer of pumice (in Idaho, as I recall) several deep rock mines, Brown and Williamson.
EVERY Masonic Lodge in the state of Utah; (Oh my God, the Masons, that secret sect?) all large format, no bracketing, perfect printing and the mounting was flawless. Toned, washed for an hour, dried on a Pako machine and steam straightened on a vintage steam powered wonder machine once sold by Kodak. For you technical folks, I used a Morse printer; paper negatives/tissues and in some cases, hand spotted. Usually not needed because I was quite good at the job. I think I used Ektalure or possibly Opal.
Lets see... there was McDonalds, Union Pacific RR, Kennicott Copper, Lagoon (a local amusement park) most law firms in Utah, a high percentage of insurance firms in Utah, Bennion Jewelry; one among dozens of jewelers, The University of Utah, quite a few publishers, The Utah Historical Society, The Valley Fair Music Hall - filled with people, not one person was visible. Imagine that.
The Hansen Planetarium, The State of Utah.
Perhaps 1500 passport photographs. All on 4 x 5 Plus-X and printed on Kodabromide, "F" surface, grade 2. Yes, I know, how hard could this images be to create. So I prefer to call them portraits.
One of the largest flawless diamonds in private hands; they liked the work, so we photographed their opals, too. For many years.
The Kentucky Fried Chicken chain, a large producer of walnuts and walnut products, (I forget the name, but you would likely know it) Singer Sewing Machines, Most TV stations in Utah, a large number of advertising agencies in SLC, Palm Computing, (later, after BSP closed) Du Pont, Monsanto Chemical.
Collections of paintings for catalogs, Collections of products for catalogs and re-photographed catalogs filled with antiques for those that wanted better catalogs.
There are/were the groups of people using Cirkit equipment, and I have mounted thousands of stereo slides in glass. Not clients, but we were the only game in town. If you want, I will tell you about the thousands of rolls of film I personally processed; the hundreds of large prints and lets not forget the murals and our collection of negatives going back to the late 1800's, made for dozens of corporations here in Utah. We were well known.
Can I count our processing customers as "clients?" I did not think so. How about all three local newspapers and the (on average) of two editions per day, back when there were morning and evening editions. Admittedly, not in recent years.
Can I stop now?
Lots of others. Some I handled on my own and some while working for Shipler Photo
Then again, anyone can post a list of impressive names, so please disregard.
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