> >By Bob Maxey¹s logic, if I give condoms to Spirer for free. > I would be > >entitled to secretly install a camera in his bedroom to > track what he does > >with them? I'm not sure that's an accurate application of Maxey logic. I have to agree with my interpretation of what Bob said though. YOU are responsible for your actions on the internet. If you blindly sign up for a service because they offered you candy then too bad. I have to repeatedly remind people that the internet is not a playground. Its a business environment and you are the goal that millions of people are after. Do some research people! Get a firewall and anti-virus. That's the way it is. If Yahoo is evil, don't suggest to people that they go and update their profile settings. Tell them to quit using Yahoo and switch to MSN. Nothing but scruples over there. But in the end what difference does all this tracking really make. So what if the geeks at Yahoo know of my unnatural affection for overweight yaks? I welcome all the pop-up fat yak chat line ads. Greg Fraser Past Master of Funk http://home.golden.net/~fraserg