> So here's your test questions: > > Where have all of you made your best camera purchases? In terms of bargains eBay wins hands down. However, my current camera I purchased at Future Shop a giant mega-electronics store. > Will there ever be enough/too many mega pixels? For me 8 is enough. Why would I need more? Instead of buying better gear, I have always had to adjust my shooting to the limitations of my equipment. Although with film I must admit I really loved the detail one gets from 4x5 negatives. I personally have a hard time spending money on disposable digital equipment when you absolutely know there's no way it will last you a lifetime (or 10 years whichever comes first). > Two part question: > > How many of you attend/have attended Bridal shows and > was the booth/space price worth the money you paid (did you > make any money from participating in the show)? I've been banned from bridal shows. Who knew there was a global wedding show police organization SPEW (Special Police Enforcement Weddings)? My butcher is an ex-green beret and he's scared to death of them. Greg