----- Original Message ----- From: "Gregory Fraser" : By the way, I took a test shot using my new lens. If anyone's interested, the test shot can be seen here http://home.golden.net/~fraserg/equipment/industar50.html. As the page text indicates, this was a quick test and more of a snapshot than a real evaluation still I was kind of impressed. I hadn't even cleaned the finger prints of the lens element before taking the shot. dude, you bought an industar! I bought one loocally for around $12 brand new from a shop and test shot it against my Canon FD and FL macro 50mm's, it beat both FL's which performed better than my FD. I sold all the Canons for some cash and kept the little russian button instead :-) Later I found another and bought that too and if anything it's a smidge better I know the rep for russian quality control is bad, but they make some damned fine lenses too - the Industars I've seen have been fantastic :-) k