Bob, You don't understand the way U.S. Homeland Security works. Faced with an impossible situation our leaders can only placate the masses with an inept, pork-barrel program staffed at the top with political cronies. Ironically they have un-intentionally created the perfect solution to the problem of protecting us from the almost infinite number of opportunities available to terrorists. The randomness and silliness worthy of Monty Python is genius. How is a whacked out jihadist to know how each rent-a-cop will interpret the rules of the game and thereby outwit them? For example, no two airports seem to have the same security policy. I've seen kids in flip flops being told to remove them! (and what about hygiene - people walking around barefoot?) RE the race thread - have a look at the film "Crash." Get a clue folks, the "problem" is difference. Photographs are merely evidence of folly - not a cure for it. AZ Build a Lookaround! The Lookaround Book, 4Th ed. Now an E-book. > -------- Original Message -------- > Subject: Re: [Norton AntiSpam] Re: conspiacy talk talk talk > From: Bob Talbot <BobTalbot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > Date: Sun, October 23, 2005 11:07 am > To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students > <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > > > Can we get the hell back on topic here? Or isn't photography > > important anymore? Has television made this all irrelevant? > > Herschel's post was on topic wasn't it? > > It talked about photography during the Apartheid era. That is > important, no? It's the way the UK is going: you can certainly be > detained as a suspect for taking photos in the wrong place - heck , > there are documented cases of our new "Anti-Terrorist" (read > Anti-Protestor) legislation being used against people for wearing the > wrong T-shirt!!! > > > <QUOTE>The stop-and-search form filled out by the police officer > stated, under grounds for intervention, "carrying plackard [sic] and > T-shirt with anti-Blair info". The purpose of the stop and search was > stated as "terrorism". </QUOTE> >,12780,1583684,00.html > > > If I take a photo with a big overt SLR anywhere near a military base, > industrial complex, port, railway station ... I'm likely to become a > suspect. Use a discrete cell-phone to take the same picture (with a > smiling accomplice in the picture) and I don't. You see, terrorists > are almost as stupid as our police: they wouldn't dream of taking > photos discretely now would they? ;o) > > The laws are being used to control and intimidate ordinary people > under the umbrella of the bogey-man. Taking pictures in the wrong > place in the wrong manner singles you out. > > > Bob