ONLY FIVE DAYS LEFT TO REGISTER Registration Deadline: Friday, October 21, 2005 PERSISTENCE OF MEMORY: STEWARDSHIP OF DIGITAL ASSETS Presented by The Northeast Document Conservation Center as a pre-conference to the Museum Computer Network's 2005 Conference November 1-2, 2005 The Omni Parker House Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts WHAT IS PERSISTENCE OF MEMORY? This conference, taught by leading experts in digital preservation, addresses the question of managing and preserving digital assets over the long term. Institutions are rapidly acquiring collections of digitized or born-digital resources. Without intervention, these materials will not survive even a single human career. Participants will learn about evolving best practices for digital preservation. This conference will help institutions take the next steps to preserve their investment and create a framework for ensuring sustainable collections. The conference is co-sponsored by the Museum Computer Network (MCN) as a pre-conference to MCN 's 2005 Conference, "Digits Fugit! Preserving Knowledge into the Future." * NEW ADDITION TO CONFERENCE AGENDA: NEDCC has added a special presentation by Chuck Patch of the Historic New Orleans Collection on the impact of the hurricanes of 2005 on the city's cultural collections. CONFERENCE TOPICS INCLUDE: Mandates for Digital Preservation Internal Cooperation and External Consortia Obsolescence and Risk Technology: Storage and Backup Financing Digital Preservation Legal, Economic, and Moral Obligations Sustaining Digital Preservation WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Museum professionals, librarians, archivists, information technology professionals, and administrators responsible for managing and preserving digital resources. WHAT DOES THE NEDCC CONFERENCE COST? $285. To encourage diverse participation in the Persistence of Memory conference, NEDCC is pleased to offer a limited number of scholarships to cover the cost of registration. In awarding the scholarships, particular attention will be given to diverse professionals, applicants from under-funded organizations, and applicants from organizations that serve under-represented communities and who show justifiable need for the conference. WHEN IS THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE? Friday, October 21, 2005 This conference is made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). For conference information, visit For questions, contact Ginny Hughes, ghughes@xxxxxxxxxx