Hi PF'rs, Browsing the periodicals I?ve found some related articles of interest and perhaps worthy of discussion here. First, go to the October Popular Science and look at the article about digitally faked photos. See if you can guess the fakes. There is some interesting info about authenticating images. Next go to the August Discover magazine and look in ?Emerging Technology? section for ?Total Recall.? by Steven Johnson. He looks at the way photo blogs and phone cams influence how we use and think of images. It seems that virtually free imaging and unlimited memory have given rise to new modes of expression and recall. The ?total recall? aspect of the piece has to do with the notion of so-called photographic memory and photographic truth. My first thought about impulsive image note-taking is that it is the same as verbalizing everything that passes in front of your eyes. People with dementia do this as a way to connect with their confusing and unmanageable world. Often they say out loud text - reading every sign. Aren?t text and signs two key elements of Post-modernism! This from another article - only a very few synapses are needed to store images. The verbal brain interpolates and ?writes? the rest of the memory. Pictures need a thousand words? http://www.popsci.com/popsci/ http://www.discover.com/issues/aug-05/ http://psychologytoday.webmd.com/content/article/107/108656.htm Or Google ?celebrity photos help researchers study brain? AZ Build a Lookaround! The Lookaround Book, 4th ed. Now an E-book. http://www.panoramacamera.us