:> The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated SEP 17 2005. :> Authors :> with work now on display at http://www.rit.edu/~andpph/gallery.html :> include: :> :> Renate Volz - water has skin Yes this skin effect is strange, some small animals use the surface effect to sit on and skate about. It is caused by the unbalanced attraction that water molecules have for each other. :> Per Ofverbeck - Well, what can you say, it is water on a flower. :> Emily L. Ferguson - The Spirit of Massachusetts And ropes they call sheets. Yes sailing terms are confusing, you must be very clever to sail a ship like that. You can estimate the intelligence of the little animal controlling those ships by counting the number of ropes. Since each rope has a finite number of movements, you can multiply ropes x movements and take the log to base 2. This gives the information content. The ability to use this information content is an estimate of the intelligence of the user. The other aspect is the use a charts and navigation instruments, but these are specialists and this is not all in the capacity of one person, so co-operation makes for greater intelligence (=useful information). The same applies to our technology today. I no longer understand it. If I was 20 again I probably would, but I've reached saturation and I can't take anything more in.... This is another reason why we have finite lives. :> Howard Leigh - La Poupe I do not understand the title, it must mean something significant. :> David Small - Street portrait In Eastern Europe this sort of thing is common. I think bets may be placed on the players so the outcome of the game becomes significant. :> Jeff Spirer - New York Light I don't know what to make of this it looks like a young pregnant woman, nubile and attractive. :> David Dyer-Bennet - Bee shadow on morning glory This is a very common subject. :> Bob Talbot - Summer Yes the girls do look more attractive in the summer. But it becomes obvious that we humans only wear clothes because of the pleasure we get taking off the clothes of another person of the opposite sex. There seems to be no other reason to wear body cover in the summer. If nude human beings see each other, signalling takes place with parts that are normally hidden, and this is so important that it would be better if nudity in public was permitted and more common. The phenomena of the sex maniac would disappear. At college during the computer session, hulking twenty-year old men would sit ogling at pornography on the computer. To fix this we would ask a nubile twenty year old unmarried lady to bear all and walk nude around the lab. This had a calming effect and the pornography disappeared. As an IT technician I soon found what everyone, including the girls, looked at, so it seemed reasonable that real nudity was required. It is true that a partially clad lady is more attractive to a man than a completely nude one "a nude girl can only shiver". Everybody looses interest when the stripper is nude.... And a picture of a nude lady is more erotic than a live real talking nude lady, that you can smell and touch. Is photography a sin? :> Laurenz Bobke - Custom House Nice building and it is sexy, see the breast at the top? :> Chris.