RE: Asking for help - again

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Sorry, but I made the point that photographers should use their skills to
illustrate some aspect of our society.  In the Great Depression, photography
was used by some to show the poverty in order that something should be done
about it, others used it to illustrate the human spirit of survival at the
time of need.

Similarly the atrocities committed every day by the shrinks are something
that can be illustrated and shown for what it is by the skill of

For example, go find a street down and out and talk a bit and see if the
little scar or depression is on his or her head.  Take a photo and publish
as another example of the effect of this atrocity.

A photo of the affluence of these shrinks will also illustrate something of
our society.

I saw one the other day....  She will die soon, as she cannot look after
herself, but she was so rude and aggressive that photography was out of the
question.  I knew her as a reasonable individual before, and that is what
needs to be documented.

The lady Maia was very rich and I know that at least some of her money was
shared out among the staff, but she had far more, and they wanted it.

I understand Victoria Beckham is on their list of targets and that it is the
Christian Church that is behind these assaults.

This is something that photography can be used to show the injustice and the
hypocrisy involved.

You could photograph the room full of unconscious naked people about to have
their brains destroyed, how they were prior to their "execution", and just
afterwards.  Perhaps an account of behaviour and conversation before and
after would help too, and the slow recovery that usually takes place.  An
illustrated account of the procedure itself would be helpful here.  We had
one here where Maia's execution was televised as were her screams and
pleading for mercy and of the little innocent lady being dragged, naked, to
the execution.

However it is not usually like that, there is usually a little queue to the
chamber (theatre) where the candidates wait for their turn, and then each is
led out by the hand to eat their lunch.  The difference is profound; some
never speak of move again. All you hear is a little scream as the knife
passes through their brain. They call it the justice of the surgeon's knife,
there is usually no trial, just a hearing.  The crime, over here, if often
blasphemy or heresy, but murder and rape and even shoplifting or a belief in
life on Mars (or somewhere else) is also reasons for this execution.  Many
are political dissidents.

A photographic essay of these events is needed so that it is all on public

"My ancestor was a head hunter".

Even the creative nature of the art of photography is under threat as those
people say "there is nothing new under the sun".  It is true that similar
principles and examples of similar pictures can be found going back to the
stone age, and the priests have records, I have seen them, (thank you Pope),
but each person is original, every move we make has some feature of
originality, and those with seemingly original minds are often put down by
the destruction of the frontal lobe and trained as automatic slaves.  They
can originate no movement or words of their own.  No new sentence, no new
concept, no original movement.

This is their magic bullet.

Even in Roman times a wooden box could be bought for 200 D that had a
lattice work grill on the front so that it was an array of pin holes, behind
each there was a thumbnail painting so that by careful viewing a 3 D image
could be seen.  The idea came from the observation that if a window was
shuttered by a lattice of tiny holes then dozens of images of the outside
world occurred and the intellect worked out that the reverse was true, so my
"invention" of the 3D viewer is not new and a lenticular array similar was
known in the 15 century.  But each implementation has an original element.
The astrolabe had a calculating facility and even in the stone age the use
of sticks with notches was be used to help in calculations.  The priests
have records and I have seen them.  My contribution is the introduction of
moving images to this technology, again no new principle, just a

Photography of a sort was practiced in the 15 century where a resin was used
to take a photo with a lens and previously by a pin hole, but each
implementation is original in some way.

I believe it is the Pope who wants originality suppressed on the grounds
that there is nothing original.  So those that show it have to be
suppressed.  We should use photography to keep our own originality and to
illustrate the destruction of the minds of others so that this edict is
withdrawn.  God made us original, he gave us free will.

These things are relevant to our age and thus to a list devoted to original

There is of course "nothing new under the sun".  Not even my TFT television
that plays the same news of death and destruction every day. After all we
always have had paintings.


Question: What happens to me when I die?
Response: What happens to a cat when it dies?
Answer: You throw it away.
Response and answer: You are a clever cat!

:> You're *already* into tremendously controversial territory, which is
:> tremendously off-topic for this list.  Please *please* drop it!
:> --
:> David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:dd-b@xxxxxxxx>, <>

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