The dentist was from Eastern Europe who came to the UK for the very high wages but found that most English people could not afford her fees.
In Eastern Europe children with defects are killed in infancy.
I prefer abortion but once allowing the child to live there is a need to tolerate him and not make his life a misery.
Photography is my hobby but my pocket camera has aroused suspicion because it makes a bulge in my shirt….!!!!
Even a policeman has called me an anathema! It’s gone rotten here! I recall Kosova where the Christian police murdered Moslems. This is being denied that it ever happened by Christians over here and the record of Maia’s existence is being removed and her name and details are being purged.
The culprits are the Christian Church leadership and the organizations known as the “Knights Templars”, “Freemasons”, and the “Knights of the Holy Roman Empire”. They regard themselves as the guardians of the human race and defenders of the Christian Faith.
A solution for me is to get a paid job and then persecution will cease. Anyone wants my Photos on or my audio downloads on ?
There is absolutely no help at the labor exchange and private employment agencies are not interested.
I’ve applied for photographic work but only had slight responses, and other computer work is, well for younger people. Anathemas – not wanted!
It’s only a short step into my grave. Most lefties have been purged I saw one shot and heard about another. I am a supporter of the free democracies of the West and of the free enterprise system.
I’ll send a photo to the gallery server shortly. I know this is a photographic list, but this of general as well as personal interest. Chris. Question: What happens to me when I die? |