<I have to agree, I submitted a few shots and got reviews like: "I did curves >on it and liked it much better" or " I did an auto levels and thought it <took out some of the..." and others, I was under the impression that each >photographer is the artist, or at least seen his/her own vision as to how it <should be, if some one doesn't like the way it looks that's fine but as for >me don't "correct" my vision Terry The dilemma is though that your "vision" - as you see it on your screen - may well not represent what the rest of the world see. Emily's picture for instance had an embedded profile. Now my browser ignored that and treated it "as if" the image was in sRGB. Chances are I wasn't seeing in my browser what Em. was seeing when she prepared the image. Of course, we have not even considered monitor calibration :o) As to the reviews: you are lucky to get much at all these days. I do disagree - in view of the difficulties - that comments on presentation (curves, gamma etc) are without value. Any more I guess than comments on cropping, level horizon etc are. OK, you may be an "Artist" (with the capital A) who has carefully crafted every part of your image with precision but many submissions are not like that. And also, what else you can learn is how others see your work. Anyway, I'll try to remember if I comment on a shot of yours not to mention any structural comments ... only speak of the overall impression is there is any :o)