I?m about to put up another web site with image files for sale. The main problem is the price. The company put up a minimum download price per download and this is quite high. I think my images are worth money and it will be commercial material that the buyer buys unlimited copyright when he downloads one of my files.
But how do I draft a copyright agreement that protects my product, after all an unspecified buyer could easily re-sell my image files at a cut price on a free site.
I?m not selling a print, but a file download. The other problem is that, in the past, people have used the thumbnails since these cannot be protected, but I suppose a simple copyright notice covering all my thumbnails would give me some protection.
And since my file may be printed an unlimited number of times, how do I charge? I?ve no idea how to write such an agreement.
Can a person help me with a draft agreement?
I only want one price for all users, no commercial v home user type of thing, although that can be done.
Any ideas anyone?
Question: What happens to me when I die?
Response: What happens to a cat when it dies?
Answer: You throw it away.
Response and answer: You are a clever cat!
God's Anathema
Sounds like what you need is a GOOD copyright lawyer. When it comes to legal matters, a specialist is always best. Begin with a Google search and go from there. Good luck!