SteveS wrote:
I for one wish to thank you, Chris, for these micro updates on life in
the formerly ruling country :)
While you have substantially tamed your rants, th ideas of what
transpires here are born by your reporting about what's up 'over there.'
'Over here' the tourists continue to stand in the middle of doorways
making up their minds, not considering other people might want to pass
through the portals of commercial enterprise. Similar tourists que up
for services we take as 'free for all.' At traffic stops, the lack of
courage from folks who don't trust the other person seem to jam up the
intersections. At highway stops, people wait fort a car a mile away to
pass bfore they venture onto the road.
Fear without loating continue on the North American continent.
Love this line. Even with the misspelling. Unfortunately, it's
true also.
Don Roberts ** Bittersweet Productions ** Iowa City, IA
When our memories outweigh our dreams
we become old. -----William Jefferson Clinton