:> The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated JUL 16 2005. :> Authors :> with work now on display at http://www.rit.edu/~andpph/gallery.html :> include: :> :> Emily L. Ferguson - July 4th I suppose this day is now just another excuse for a holiday, once the result of a bloody war. Some British still think of America as a renegade colony. I think I would like to be an American. :> Herschel Mair - Spoon dates They look nice, I have not seen raw dates, only the preserved resinous form. :> Renate Volz - End of the Rope That's a bit of a joke! That species spends its whole life on green leaves and sometimes goes to another, usually they just sit sucking the sap. It's a bugs life! :> Steve Shapiro - One of . . . Pepper series Yes they make nice shapes, but some colour would help! :> Guy Glorieux - To the beach... So they do the same things over there as here! Well! Well! Fancy going all that way just do sit on the Beach, Brighton (UK) is only 49 miles down the road. But if you live in Montreal..... :> Per Ofverbeck - Its all those lakes you've got there! Yes it's a nice misty lake. Very pretty.... Just so. Your ancestors thought the lake was a gateway to the underworld and you could get there just by diving (best to be dead though! We used to throw our best silverware in these lakes to placate the Gods. Or at least the Lake God. (The lake was God, not a God in the Lake, as in India) :> David Small - Lap Dogs Yes he looks happy and so does she.... very happy. Just home for dinner after a day at the Mill, then off for a walk in the Park, better than being a Quantum Mechanic! :> Jeff Spirer - Cook She looks happy too.... :> Bob Talbot - Paper It must be the Page 3 nude! :> Pini Vollach - Athens 2005 Is that High-Class Graffiti? We have some real good Graffiti at Tooting Station, really nice. I think all the local Graffiti monsters were put to work after half an hour at the local art school. Chris.