Get a dual monitor card and 2 CRT monitors. A 22" for working and viewing and a 15" or 17" (Which are cheap now) for the pallettes. Also if you want 2 images open at the same time etc., I have worked for 2 years now with dual monitors and It's fantastically convenient. Forget about LCD CRT is still less hassle and more accurate
Veli Izzet <veli.izzet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Veli Izzet <veli.izzet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi friends,
My old 17" Sony Trinitron monitor gives signs of biting the dust, so I will
be needing a new monitor. So I wonder if it is time for an LCD one.
I will use this monitor (apart from general PC use) for Photoshop. Although
not a pro, I am serious about creating art through photography, and want to
be able to control colors.
On the other hand, both because of limited financial resources, and also
because I do not believe full color control is really necessary for what I
do, I do not intend to go to top of line.
What I want is a reasonably priced (?), reliable, stable monitor.
I may decide buy a 19" or 22" CRT one if the LCD's of today do not still
have the appropriate quality.
I need all the hands-on help I can get.
Thanks for answers,
Veli Izzet Cigirgan
Herschel Mair
Head of the Department of Photography,
Head of the Department of Photography,
Higher College of Technology
Sultanate of Oman
Sultanate of Oman
Adobe Certified instructor
+ (986) 99899 673
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