----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 12:35
Subject: Re: Nikon 9000 ED scanning
It crashes after a single sacan but they are quite big images 100MB and
I'm asking the software to fix up prehistoric, faded negatives. I thought it
would save me some time in PS. Perhaps it is just a simple case of RAM.... It
doesn't crash (YET) if I scan straight to disk.
OH how I long for the halcion Macintosh days... Those
blissfull..... anyway, this windows stuff is tedious.
Let's have a good old Mac versus PC debate I say!!! Let's
have a slander Bill Gates party. You can come dressed as anything as long as
it's Bill Gates.
lea murphy <lea@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Damn. Sounds like you should be outfitted just
fine for what you're doing.
From your original email it sounds as if you
are doing multiple scans from the same strip of negs and having them all
dump into PS. You might consider trying to scan only one negative image at a
time then save that one before going on. Tedious, yes, but at least it may
help prevent the crashes and lost work.
I feel for you...scanning is tedious at best
and this kind of problem doesn't make it one bit more
Herschel Mair
of the Department of Photography,
Higher College of Technology
Sultanate of Oman
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