Gregory Fraser wrote: That's the spirit! For those who think young.A fellow completely full of himself with no useful info to share......... Thanks for ignoring the spirit of this list........While his post was not what you were looking for, it did however, contain useful info about the JPEG vs. RAW world domination battle. However, I myself am more interested in the spirit of the list. What is it? I don't mean that clap trap on the PF welcome page that RIT made Andy write before they'd give him permission to use the school's name on his website. Somehow I suspect that the true spirit of PF cannot be confined by mere words or numbers for that matter or even those ASCII characters they used to use to do graphics on the original PCs. What is the spirit of PF? I think each one of us must answer that for ourselves. Greg Fraser Past Master of Funk P.S. I was working part time as a waiter at the staff party where Andy pitched the idea for the PF website to the dean of RIT. This was way back in the early '70s when RIT staff parties ran way into the early morning. This, to the best of my recollection was his original 'spirit statement' (paraphrased) - "To further the undershtanding of optical princi...princi....princiPULLs ash they relate to.....relate to......zzzzzzz.....relate to picking up chicks. Heh, heh, yeah thatsh it. Chicks, man." -- ============================================================ Don Roberts * Bittersweet Productions * Iowa City, IA * * And the Devil whispered behind the leaves, "It's pretty, but is it Art?". -- Rudyard Kipling ============================================================ |