--- Begin Message ---
> I have an image I'd like to submit but I have del;eted your email with the
> instructions. Please let me have the address again.
Herschel, ... verbatim:
Here is a project from the PhotoForum Exhibits staff.
A special THEME based exhibition is being organized.
The theme of the exhibit is:
The photogrpah that will be judged most effective by
voting of the membership will receive an autographed
copy of a book by Les Stroebel, namely the latest
(and possibly last) edition of View Camera Technique.
To participate send a digital file of an image so it
does not exceed 600 pixels in the longest dimension,
JPEG compressed medium quality, but NOT TO THIS LIST's
address. Rather please heed the following instructions:
1. Address an email message to: ritphoto@xxxxxxx
2. In the Subject line state: FEET
3. In the body of the message state any details you
wish to give about the photograph.
4. Attach your image file to the message
5. Send the message.
By automatic reply a machine will acknowledge receipt
of your entry without human intervention. Once at least
a dozen images have been received they will be put on
display much like a regular weekly exhibit. Then members
will be asked to vote and once that is done the winner
will be announced. Any photograph entered is subject to
elimination at the discretion of the exhibit committee.
Please note that the regular weekly exhibit will continue
to be updated with new work and the FEET exhibit is just
another opportunity.
Again, this is proposed as a friendly and collegial
activity and if for some unanticipated reason it causes
too much grief or upheaval it will be summarily shut down.
The PhotoForum Exhibitions staff
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