On Apr 28, 2005, at 11:46 AM, Emily L. Ferguson wrote:
At 11:25 AM -0300 4/28/05, margaret lucas wrote:i'm not using film, rather digital. can recover much in PhotoShop but not all when contrast is too high. thank you for suggestion though.
Shoot RAW, Maggie. Adobe Camera Raw is wondrous. Forget the Nikon software and move up to PS CS.
oh.my.god. am i ready for raw....?
Sure. It's easier, I promise. And you get rid of grain/noise in the skies, too!
have avoided it because files are so bulky and my practice has been to shoot hundreds hoping to get one or two good'uns. okay, shoot RAW maggie, that's permission to try something new i guess :o)
Get CDs and burn them. Besides, you can always ditch the ones that absolutely didn't work and from which you can learn nothing.
besides, study your histogram after you take a shot and make sure it's the way you want it. Use your EXIF info to learn how to avoid the mistakes that happen over and over.
And spot meter for your midtone.
aye dinnae bother with nikon software have already PS CS. am following story of version 2. adobe just bought dreamweaver should be interesting to see if there are crossover features, no? yes?
More like whether Adobe may/will kill GoLive than what will be crossover. Many conversations on ProPhoto discussion groups, PDN, those sorts of places.
Emily L. Ferguson
mailto:elf@xxxxxxxx 508-563-6822
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races, press photography http://www.vsu.cape.com/~elf/