Simple method, you can 'get off' at any step.
Step One: First impression. It may be a technical thing, or a feeling that you'd have liked to have made that pic. yourself.
Step two: What it was you did like, that made you comment. Maybe because you're a member of a group and felt obligated, or one of the elements in step one.
Step three: A suggestion on how to make it better in your opinion. Strictly an opinion that may also be the opinion based on having seen/learned something new.
thanks, Steve. I like this set of suggestions. Lots of leeway there for whatever sort of mood you're in when you get inspired to write commentary.
(Must go chip brush, must go chip brush, 5th day chipping brush, must go chip brush, nice brush pile, good for compost, good for mulch under bushes, must go chip brush - back aches, legs ache.... must go out and chip brush before it gets to raining again.....)
Emily L. Ferguson
mailto:elf@xxxxxxxx 508-563-6822
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races, press photography