From: Shyrell Melara <shyrellmelara@xxxxxxxxx> To: photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: (Re: What would you do?) Thanks... Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2005 11:44:42 -0500 Thanks Everyone, Andy, Roy, Bob - The thought that they had split up already had crossed my mind, along with some sort of disaster. And who knows, after all they had to drink that day, maybe they thought they were in Los Vegas! Marilyn, Gregory - That letter will be in the mail soon. Lea - The prepay is going to be an absolute from now on! I was unaware that that was the norm. Yes, the phone number was the right one. They had put their name on the answering message. Grandma was the Bride's Grandmother on her Dad's side. Not only was she shooting over my shoulder, but several times she stepped right in front of me while I was trying to get my shots! I had to ask the Bride's mother to ask her to step out of my way. Yah, g-ma wasn't happy at all! I will be looking into the book you mentioned as well. Though I've been professional for several years, I am somewhat 'business illiterate'! Thanks everyone. I'll let you all know what happens. I'll probably get the letter back as refused. I wouldn't be at all surprised. Shyrell Melara For the Quality You Deserve! Melara Family Photography -- _______________________________________________ Find what you are looking for with the Lycos Yellow Pages