Re: Virtual Colour Museum

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Dr Land of Polaroid fame showed that color was a function of the brain 
because unlike film it saw the same color whether the color was outdoors or indoors.
As to color blindness it could be in either area. It could be the inablity of 
the eye and nerves to transmit the data to brain or the inablity of the brain 
to do the calculations. Most color blindness I believe is in the inablity of 
the eye, retina and nerve to transmit the required info for the brain to 

In a message dated 12/25/2004 7:28:39 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
BobTalbot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
"In a reality so rich with colours, there are in reality no colours.
The colours we see indeed depend on the light that enters our eyes
from the outside world. Nevertheless, what we actually perceive as red
or green originates deep within our brains. Colours are not,
therefore, merely "Deeds of Light", as Johann Wolfgang Goethe once
claimed; colours are also a product of the self, and we decorate our
own personal world with them."

That got me thinking: does colour blindness have a purely physical
basis, or is it in the inability to interpret?

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