That worked perfectly, thank you so very much.
At 10:11 AM 12/10/2004 -0800, you wrote:
Select the area using any selection tool, Control-C on a PC, Control-V on a PC. Now use the Move tool to put it where you want it. Don't forget that it's now another layer. On a Mac, you use the Command key instead of the Control key, if I remember correctly.
At 08:04 AM 12/10/2004, Tony wrote:
Can someone help a newbie out? I know there is a way to make a selection, copy it and with the move tool bring it to another location on the picture and paste it there, but I don't remember how its done. An example might be to use the marquee tool drag it to select some background, then copy it and with the move tool, move it to another location and paste it there without disturbing the original area you copied it from.
Look forward to you all giving this newbie some help.
Jeff Spirer
One People:
Surfaces and Marks: