this is what i have...took it apart today and found a double lens condenser bigger than a 6x6...although it does not seem adjustable in any way...i'm to assume that my issue, then, is the lens? an expert opinion pablo?
Elgenper <elgenper@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Elgenper <elgenper@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The condenser is a large single or double lens above the neg carrier
that collects the light from the bulb and sends it through the neg into
the enlarger lens. It has to a) be big enough to cover the entire neg
(easy to check), and b) have a focal length approximately equal to its
distance from the enlarger lens (harder to check, but if a) is
satisfied, b) usually is, too).
In most "consumer grade" enlargers you have to switch condensers when
changing format (and after a session of printing, they´re HOT!). Some
more "professional" units solve the problem the way Pablo suggests: by
moving the condenser up or down within the housing (much faster). I
don´t know about Kaisers, but Pablo seems to know them better.
>> What else am I ignorant of? Please keep
>> comments on topic people. :)
I think we´ve covered the major points by now, at least pertaining to
printing 120 ;-)
Per Öfverbeck
2004-09-13 kl. 19.09 skrev Pablo Coronel:
> Kaiser enlargers are great because hey allow you to do many things.
> Look in the manual whether you need to move the condensors to obtain
> even illumination of you MF negatives.
> Schneider lenses are very good, I'd go for it. Also EL-Nikkors are
> good.
> Good luck
> At 12:48 PM 9/13/04, you wrote:
>> Thanks for the Schneider info Per. the
>> condensor, what am I looking for? The negative
>> carrier certainly seemes to be part of the overall
>> design. What else am I ignorant of? Please keep
>> comments on topic people. :)
>> --- Elgenperwrote:
>> > No Schneider lens is "complete rubbish"...
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