At 19:39 -0700 7/1/04, Richard Martin wrote:
I doubt that flash memory like CF cards will be harmed by any
electrical or magnetic field you could encounter at an airport
I emailed SanDisk technical support for
an answer to this question. What I got back, while on the surface
somewhat reassuring, leaves me still wondering if any comprehensive
testing has been done by the manufacturers...FWIW....
I would like to know what the possibility
of damage to the card is by airport xray machines and by airport
magnetic scanners such as used by security.
SanDisk Response: (07/07/2004 04:27)
Thank you for contacting SanDisk Technical Support.
The cards should not be affected by airport
security screening equipment. However you can always request the cards
be hand inspected ifyou are not comfortable sending them
Baja Oregon