I had a beautiful black-and-white print made on Agfa Portriga paper, but a rabid squirrel ran into the house and knocked over a lit candle. In a subsequent pass through the room the maniacal squirrel managed to set his tail ablaze on the overturned candle. Panicked further, the flaming, demented rodent then knocked over a floor lamp which crashed into the aforementioned, and nicely framed, print which then slipped off its hanger and fell face-first into a small carved totem on the floor--the result of this impaling was an eagle perched atop a rectangular platform. Needless to say, the print was destroyed. The good news is that the squirrel was able to find a way out and managed to set the woods afire, but the house was spared. The squirrel was never seen again.
I have the negative, it was in a fireproof safe. Does anyone know where I can find some Agfa Portriga paper (the original formula) on which to make a new copy of this wonderful print? No other paper was ever able to get the right tonality for this particular negative.
On Tuesday, June 8, 2004, at 12:52 AM, Pinky wrote:
I was trying to print from one of my negs today and the neg is corrupt! I
thought it was a 120 and tried to open the neg in the wrong enlarger (a
35mm) and it seems some of the silver grains have gone and now there's
nothing! I don't know what went wrong, the enlarger usually tells me before
trying to access the wrong neg..
I had a problem last week with this same enlarger too, I tried to open a
bunch of 120's and I had to try 15 different negs before one would print..
when I went back to try the 15 again they'd all gone! Maybe it deleted
them? Does anyone know if there is a firmware upgrade for this enlarger? I
am using a non proprietry globe, and have never had any problems in the
past, someone said on another newgroup that the globes I'm using has caused
them LOTS of problems, but I never had a problem till now.
One last question. I tried adjusting the contrast with my new paper but it
came out wrong, are there any profiles I could get for this paper? I have
had fantastic results in the past from the other paper, but I just don't
seem to be getting the same whites with this new lot. SOmeone said the time
was wrong. Maybe I need a time profile.
Gee I love this new photography, it's so exciting and there's so much to
thanks for your help :-)