----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 5:06
Subject: Pemission for posting
My name is Hakon - I was part of this list some years ago but
have now signed the list again. I have one problem - hope you give me some
I run a website called PhotoQuotes (http://www.PhotoQuote.com)
- site that cover quotes about photography.
I always
try to get permission to post the quotes I find so I can work with
photographers presenting their work. Recently I sent an enquiry to Richard
Avedon website if I could get permission to post his quotes on PhotoQuotes.
I got this answer:
"You have no
permission to use Avedon quotes in your website. He owns the copyright to his
texts and reserves these texts for his own use and publication. We take this
quite seriously. Permission denied. If you have a text you would like to
quote, please write to us with the exact text you wish to use, the context
etc..." "
For that reason I have removed all his quotes from my website.
I need your help what can I do - doesn't I have some right to publish them
cause it is in educational purposes and is posted under the Fair Use Provision
of the Copyright Act?
Can you see any reason he doesn't want to give me permission
to post them?
This case is really important for me cause I already don't
have written permission for all the quotes on this site.
On the forum at www.PhotoQuotes.com/forum - I have started a
thread about this case: http://www.photoquotes.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=47
There you can read more about it.
What would you do?
If you have some
idea it would be great if you would register at the forum and share them
p.s. if you know some quotes not listed on PhotoQuotes then
please email them to me.
Thank you
Quotations from the World of Photography
Quotations from the World of Programming