I've often found the minilab operators to be rather snitty and in need of alternative encouragement. Unfortunately, with the bombing in Athens, security has now been forced to tighten up in Greece and would make the following more difficult to get away with. If you receive a roll back that has too much grain, spots or streaks, even the slightest color imbalance, the natural course of action is to borrow (if you do not already own) a large, quiet, and potentially deadly animal, walk into the photo lab, draw your firearm and shove it through his teeth, pinning him against the wall. Make some ultimatum styled threats and be sure to include one that is completely unrelated to further develop his guage of just how fragile you really are. I bet you they'll even provide you with coupons and complimentary deluxe negative storage sheets with each roll you bring them in the future.
"kpp@xxxxxxxxxx" <kpp@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
"kpp@xxxxxxxxxx" <kpp@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
well here is an issue...
how reliable are minilab stores in providing proper C-41 development?
It seems that anyone has taken for granted that he is always getting 100% correct development, but logically it cannot happen in this world...there is still operator error and depleted chemicals & stuff lurking, aren't there?
the reason i am bringing this up, is that i believe I had a case of a film developed improperly (less dev) since it excibits more than expected grain...
and the dreadfull thing was that the operator was not the usual one and while there he was filling up liquids while the minilab was still printing, which seems not a good at all...(indicated a careless operator taht leeft their machines unattended?)
so, how can one know for sure if his film were developed properly? by feel? by indicators on the film itself?
ahh! kostas
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